Welcome to the Wayfaerer Studios portfolio site. To learn more about Wayfaerer Studios, click on the logo in the top left corner of any page. You can also view the animated version of the logo on that page. Most projects on this site have not been used for real, and might also be fictional.

As I was expecting, it was going to be a while before I put anything up on my website when I started working. I recently had a desire to make another game, so I did. It's called Beat Breaker, and can be found in the Interactive/Web Design section.

With my studies in college coming to an end, I have added two projects. The first one is an advanced banner ad, and the second one is a breakout game to play with a Wiimote (only for Macs with Bluetooth)! Both are in the Interactive/Web Design section.

Wow, what a crazy, busy semester. I recently finished another game in Flash, and I finally thought of putting it up on here. It's called Vipe!, and you can find it in the Interactive/Web Design section.

Recently my brother asked me to make a website for his band Corosia, and after about a week of work, it's complete! The website can be visited from the Interactive/Web Design section.

Another semester ended, another update. I made an awesome flash game called Treasure Racer, which can be found in the Interactive/Web Design section. There is also a simple forum I made in that section.

In my spare time over my summer break, I worked on a breakout game. You can find it in the Interactive/Web Design section.

It's been a while since my last update, and now there's 2 new things. The first thing is a South Park memory game, in the Interactive/Web Design section. The second project is a website interface design for an online boutique in the 2D Art section.

I've remade my website! No more annoying-to-update flash, and it also feels more professional.
I've added a couple projects. I got rid of the 2005 calendar and replaced it with a 2006 one, and there are two band logos. All of these are in the 2D Art section.

I made a project advertising the Interactive Media Design Degree at my College. It's in the 3D Art section.

Two things. I made a website for my brother, which has a link to in the interactive section. Second is two sets of water animations I did in Realflow (which is also awesome).

The Maya section is now called 3D Art, because I have learned an amazing new program called Zbrush! Zbrush is incredible for making high detail and can handle a very high number of polygons. I have made an alien head which is in the 3D Art section.

After 4 months of work during some free time, and 5 days of rendering, another animation is done. It's a quick 30 second animation with a dragon and ogre, in the Maya section.

Lots of small changes all over the place. I combined the Photoshop and Illustrator into a section called 2D Art. I also removed a few things from that section to make some space. I made a new section called Interactive for my upcoming work I'll be making at The New England Institute of Art (much better than where I was before). There is a project about computer animation in that new section.

I made a Mini Cooper in Maya over my break from College. Took about a week to complete. I think it looks incredible.

Awesome new design for my site! All done in flash.

Made a user interface design for my demo reel. It's in the illustrator section.

Made a book cover, in the Photoshop section.

Made some U2 iPod billboards, in the Photoshop section.

I made a calendar for 2005 with my Maya stuff, it's up in the Illustrator section.

In my portfolio presentation we're taking all of our previous work and making it better, so I've updated all of the things I have changed up to now. There's also some new stuff.

Hackers 2 Poster

Newspaper ad

After 3 months of work (not 3 months straight, I did do other stuff like go to college), my Robot animation is done. It's in the Maya section, and I've included 2 movies of different sizes.

Added a new ABC animation in the Maya section which I'm really proud of. :D

All material on this site is property of Wayfaerer Studios.

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